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Hijri Calendar

Hijri Calendar - (تقويم هجری; Turkish: Hicri takvim; Bulgarian: Хиджра)

This is the Islamic lunar calendar, still used in Arabic countries. Surprisingly it's use and application in Ottoman Empire is not very well understood by many ottomanists. One must not forget that this calendar was replaced by the purely solar Rumi / Mali calendar by the time of Tanzimat reforms1), thus from 1840 on later became the only official calendar till 26 December 1925.

The second important issue that hampers even experienced researchers is the spelling of the months in latin. One can hardly find two articles that spell Hijcri months the same way.

:!: There is a fundamental difference in reading Ottoman and Arabic and so the months have different spelling.:!: For example the holy month of Ramazan (as is spelled in modern Turkish) should not be written Ramadan (as is spelled in English, which is based on Arabic pronunciation). To avoid mistakes one should consult Yazım Kılıvuzu, which standardizes spelling in Turkish.

Hijri months with the correct spelling:

Ottoman Turkish Arabic pronunciation Days
محرم Muharrem Row 1 Col 3 30
صفر Safer 29
ربيع الاول Rebiyülevvel Row 2 Col 3 30
Rebiyülahir 29
جمادى الاول Cemaziyelevvel 30
Cemaziyelahir Row 2 Col 3 29
رجب Recep Row 1 Col 3 30
شعبان Şaban 29
رمضان Ramazan Row 2 Col 3 30
شوال Şevval Row 1 Col 3 29
ذو القعده Zilkade 30
ذو الحجه Zilhicce Row 2 Col 3 29 or 30

External links

Tarih Çevirme Kılavuzu - easy to use, but :!:converts dates to Gregorian (new style) only:!:

1) though Rumi calendar was first introduced in 1677, but only for financial matters :?:some reliable source needed:?:
terms/hijri_calendar.txt · Last modified: 09.03.2011 12:21 by s_shivarov
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